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Вълново тунелиране-

Как енергията преминава през повърхностния материал и значението на екранирането

I realize I have covered energy, how to find energy, what to do to block it out and also how to cover it up...but I have yet to share with you what happens as energy increases in strength and speed, and damage - the longer we are stalked.


First of all, it isn't so much the energy, per se, as it is the device sending the energy.  In reality though - it is a little and a lot of both.   And it should come as no surprise that technology and all that it encompasses - will change levels and speed of attacks as it is improved.   This is the design and methodology of progress and technology.


We must understand that energy, can't help but do this...because behind every laser, sonic or microwave device and subsequent practice and eventual - attack with it - is a techie or scientist who is  just going along and has not thought everything out or through.    


As far as organized stalking - well, basically, mankind is placing tools of death and disfigurement and destruction in the hands of those, who have no earthly idea about how to handle it.  Not only do they take out humans in the process - they destroy outlying nature and wildlife with it as well.   Radiation sifts and drifts over everything in its path. 


So, as a review - science and scientists and techies have ramped up energy and weaponized it.  Thereby, creating an out of control level of energy to be used on humans at certain points in time...all in the name of security, unity and the battlefield.  The question is - should we be making devices and weapons like this at all?


Let's talk about weapons and devices that use fiber optics and Gigabyte speed.    The  same speed that sends signals and information along on the internet, and i.e. helps us to have higher speed and capability on our cell phones and on our computers - can and, in the case of directed energy, be used against us with weaponized technology.

Now, let's look at what happens to people who are resistant and the stalkers and suddenly,  their equipment and the entire campaign behind them.... begin to get stronger. 


With this thinking about strength...also goes the idea that the device needs to be amplified and beefed up to overcome resistance.     


Thinking back over the infancy of original coils and rails which were originally used in the beginning of gang stalking campaigns - these were costly to run.  They are and were operated by battery power and electricity.


Now, if we fast forward to where we are today - we will see that fiber optic, cable lines, wireless connection, routers and small diode units of power can get the job done equally, if not better, than the predecessors.   All things advanced.  All devices streamlined.


For example, newer devices.. 

Pulsed laser diodes and fiber coupled laser diode units - fit nicely into small metal boxes (about 4 to 6 inches in size) and then these boxes are mounted or placed anywhere - under cover in a home or out in a yard.  Even in a fake rodent trap or base of an empty birdbath base.   These boxes and the diodes are controlled via computer, cables and router command.


The reason I am writing this piece, is because I have recently come to deal with increasingly faster, heavier, and wider paths of energy.   Also keep in mind that I have always had to deal with energy seeping through and getting around my blocks.   However, today, the energy is quite strong and the passing through and around blocks is much worse.

This ability to pass through or around is called wave tunneling.  Particles of subatomic size matter can make their way across barriers.  The transmission through the potential barrier can be finite and relies exponentially on the barrier width and barrier height.     

Quantum tunnelling - Wikipedia

The newer energy being used is more apt to Wave Tunnel.  Even though wave tunneling is a term for any energy that comes up against a surface and either gets through it or goes around or above it.


My guess, a smaller energy design and a much faster speed in which to send it, are behind it all.  The reason cable lines work so well, I believe, in sending energy, in this case.   


Now, if a block is placed in front of this type of line of power - the energy will be effectively  deflected and bounced, but like I stated, that because of its speed. the energy can't help but find openings in the surface blocking it....and it penetrates through to find us.   

I also believe today's weapons are organic Bio-sensing and heat field sensing technology... combined with directed energy.   Sort of like a heat seeking missile in its desire to find its target and make impact.   This heat sensing is also a problem with wave tunneling.   There is a strong need for the energy to make contact with its target it it is programmed to detect heat or electricity.


As far as dealing with this newer energy...Just think of it this way...if we humans are  using or are being introduced to stronger and stronger gigabytes to further our communication and enhance technology...the same principle of gigabyte speed, will hold true for the energy we are fighting off.   


In finding ways to block it - I have found that I need to now spend several hours each day on checking and rechecking potential energy line entry sites.   I take my blocks down in the morning and put them back up daily.  Tiring, at best.   


Let's look at this a little more.    I have already shared with you that if a target blocks a spot of energy coming in - the organized stalking group will, in turn,  move their line of incoming energy.    This becomes a vicious battle, I block - they move - I block again and so on.  And after a while...we may need to design larger blocking boards that are portable and efficient.  These boards can be placed any and everywhere. 


Since energy bounces and deflects as it passes through surface material - the goal and secret of blocking - is to keep bouncing off incoming energy.    Rare earth magnets will help with this.  However, keep in mind that magnets are quite expensive...and to get a large enough blocking surface - it would mean a higher cost to block.  Are we worth the cost?... yes, we are!  We can pay it back later...right?!


There are other means by which to block though.  Helmets with magnets, Faraday beds with conductive metals and grounding cords, plastic bubble chairs covered in magnets.  And lots of sound machines added in.   Mirrors are a big help here as well.   


Since all energy waves appear to be used in gang stalking - it only makes sense that we would use blocking materials that will address all waves.   Mirrors in this case would block light waves.   Sound machines with electromagnetic properties block an assortment of incoming energy waves to include microwave, electromagnetic and sonic wave fields.  This is because the sound machine is in an active state and confuses the stream of incoming energy with movement and noise.


Also important is lots and lots of strong silver blocking fabric with grounding.   Layers of silver, in fact.   Any place or anywhere, you want to block, do, you can get reprieve.   In stalking, we all need breaks from the battering and bad nerves.


On finding this directed energy, well, this is the tricky part.   Because the newer lines of energy are so fast - and so very powerful...a person will not initially find the energy reading on a surface of a wall or floor.  But the energy is there - I know because I find it. 


It takes a great deal of patience.   You will need to stand about 12 inches from a surface and then walk towards the wall while measuring with a back and forth motion with an EMF detector.   


Let's say an EMF detector shows us a reading - 30 or less tesla units (uTs).  In this case - even if you place your meter on the wall - sometimes the reading is coming from the right or left or below or above.  Don't be fooled by something and think the energy should be in the spot we find the reading. 


Furthermore, don't be fooled into thinking you are looking at a direct line where the meter shows the reading - even though it might be initially - once the energy hits our walls and surface -  it deflects and scatters and moves around.  Our meters don't always pick up the exact line...only the reading.


Now, if the energy is,, in fact, present in a wide swath -  we will have to cover more surface area with  our meter to find the source.  


Take the meter and slowly begin scanning up and down and move the meter back and forth, across the surface and also about 12 inches out and away from the surface - performing the same type of scan. 


Next, move towards the surface and then away again - do this over and over again until you come across the low end of the meter reading. (0 to 30 uTs).   uTs are Tesla Microunits.   In the Magnetic Field B.  This is how we read EMFS and ELFs.


Anyway, I felt it would be a good idea to share this.  I know all of it is scary but I believe if we are aware, and knowledgeable, we can fight a good fight.  The fight is not as much physical - as it is mental - the same mental edge - our gang stalkers are trying to take away from us.  Don't let them.



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