Artificial Intelligence and Organized Stalking?
I will be sharing an article with you about Artificial Intelligence on this page. The shared article will follow my commentary about how I believe AI is linked to Organized Stalking. I will first share a few thoughts on this matter about my experience and how I came to this conclusion.
Now, I am not saying that what I am sharing is fact - but something is changing in the world of Organized Stalking - and my guess - a plethora of technology is being mixed together - to gain more control of the average citizen. Is Artificial Intelligence a part of this? Well, in my opinion - yes, I believe it is.
Through my own time in being stalked over the last nearly 7 years...I have experienced many different things. In the early days of my stalking - I was burned in my ovaries by some type of microwave device while cuddling with my hubby on a Sunday morning (this happened 5 times) - and this was in my early days - 2018. Keep in mind that Organized Stalking used the most up to day devices available at that time - In this case - it was coil and rail guns and strong microwave energy.
As time went on - newer devices were developed using pulsed laser and pulsed sonic waves. The way to send the energy - also changed - in that computers, routers and cable were the methods and highways of travel for assault energy.
Getting back to my stalking...Once, I was knocked off balance by some device as I walked down the hall in my home and my heart temporarily stopped. This happened in 2019. I didn't panic though...I found myself counting to 20 in my mind to take my mind off of what was happening - before my heart started beating again. At that same moment...I had an out of body floating sensation which is so hard to put into words. Maybe because my heart was no longer beating?
In the last 6 plus years, I have had pelts of bright flashing lights directed into my eyes so that I felt sick. I am guessing - a light emitting laser diode.
I have had neurophone or microwave induction telepathy (signals) sent to me to force me to cough, to have to pee, to dream recurring dreams (the same dream almost 650 days now). Over 2 years worth.
And finally, and going back to the beginning of my stalking, I had a police radar gun of some type aimed at me from my neighbor's upstairs window and shot at my head and subsequently, my brain - I felt it when it hit me. I saw my neighbors in the window next door, holding a device. It looked like a radar gun - at least what I could see in a few short minutes. The sensation I felt was off-putting. I stroked within days.
Now, you may not believe that - but I have documentation and an overnight hospital stay to prove it. And the doctors called what they found on a MRI - unexplained brain lesions. Does this look like anything provable to the world who seems to be going along with Organized Stalking? No. It just looks like something happened in my own body to cause the lesions.
Over time..because of the constant frequencies and pelting of energy against my scalp...I felt clumsy and dizzy, and that was when I began to get hurt. I tripped and dropped things and because I was disoriented...I was burned horribly when my hand yanked suddenly due to electronic input and it hit a bowl of grease (Crisco) and it tipped over and covered my hand. Because it was shortening - it kept cooking my hand. No words to describe the pain. I got the grease off but the burn was bad. I had to undergo burn therapy for months.
And there is more. Today, my eyes see less detail. My brain feels muddled and foggy a lot. My bones ache and my skin has horrible scaling and a dried out feeling. Even my hair is extra dry from the effects of a home filled with too much radiation. But this is not something anyone can prove. And in fact, no one really seems to care. And could not be bothered to come check things out when you call them.
All of these things happened, in addition to being followed, hacked, signal jammed while watching TV or working on computers, harassed, lied about in my neighborhood and to employers and having the same neighborhood group of people turned against me. All in the name of Mob Mentality. Unscrupulous community. And belonging.
But I believe this is all immaterial to what I am about to share with you. I am just laying the groundwork here about the human experience in being gang stalked.
I realize that the technology had always been there in my stalking, that was something I was constantly aware of. But the devices and the weapons and the set up of them over time - appeared to advance chronologically and exponentially and might I add - in a way that is purely maniacal and science fiction frightening. The devices went from (in the beginning) being controlled by human hand - to what appeared to be a device...having some control of its own. I will try to explain.
During the last 6 years - my upgrades in my stalking came about on each and every Thursday. Upgrades are when the stalking campaign add things to your stalking. It could be a new person or a new energy weapon or device, or a new home and willing participants who have been paid off - to help in the assaults so that a targeted person gets an increasing level of attacks. Heavier and heavier. And the person being harassed - well, he or she can never get away from it or get a break.
Now, if that same victimized and targeted person does not fall apart the week prior to this weekly upgrade - and if they do not show injury or breakdown...the campaign of organized stalking... simply brings in more stuff to go at a person to try and help break them down faster. They go stronger.
And, if a person is particularly resistant - the stalking gets pretty darn heavy.
In my case, the time frame like anything else in stalking, was I felt, to condition me for awareness of them...the stalkers. To try and frighten me about what I could expect. To make me feel there was no hope. And all the while, newer and better equipment was brought in and stronger lines of energy and weaponry grew as more and more entry sites were pushed through my walls from all directions. Hundreds in fact. Most of this is in my bedroom. Would anyone believe that? Of course not. It is invisible. Unseen by the eye.
Thinking back - it was after my 3rd year, that my stalkers attempted to get different things from me. Like information. It wasn't just a reaction to the cruelty they were giving me that they wanted, but more, they seemed to want more detail about me as a person. Like my voice sample. They kept trying to get me alone and force me to speak to them.
This is where I talk about how I believe
AI was added to the mix of stalking.
Now, during that same time frame (that 3rd year) - again, my neighbors tried to force me to talk to them outside between yards. They shunned me normally, which I was fine with, but whenever they needed a bit more detail to help them in their assaults - they approached me and pushed at me until I spoke to them.
Sometimes this was yelling at me in front of others. Sometimes, it was to chide me for making too much noise with my lawn mower or leaf blower. And get this - for making noise and waking them from their sleep in the day - because they had been up all night going at me with directed energy.
This actually annoyed me greatly, because I really had no use for these people - I mean seriously, why would I want to talk to someone who seemed to dislike me so much? Who was burning me, harassing me and lying about me? And tearing me down in front of others. What kind of sick people torment others and then expect them to talk to them?
Anyway, as I soon found out, the talking they expected from me wasn't a conversation type exactly. They smiled and walked up to me and would simply ask me something that required a one word response. And sadly, ever the hopeful and wanting someone to repent type of soul - I trusted them enough and for just a second and gave them that one word. Yes. No. Maybe. Anything.
However, that one word was all that would be needed to change how I was being assaulted. How I would be recognized from that point on by my stalkers.
At the time, I was highly suspicious of what they seemed to be doing, but really I couldn't figure it all out. And I couldn't prove gut instinct or feeling. Or hunch. But, I knew it had to do with my voice. So, I began to research voice samples. And why the voice would be needed in technology and stalking or just because.
What I learned is...that a voice sample can be used with organized stalking and directed energy weapons to in fact, trigger attacks from a weapon just by the sound of the target's captured and stored voice. Sort of a voice recognition, or voice fingerprint...recognized by a device or weapon, as you will. Compare it, if you can, to a heat seeking missile and then go from there.
In this case, it is the person's own voice that is incorporated into a device and then that voice directs the attack on the self from the directed energy source. Quite amazing really. We talk - we get pelted with energy. No win - just lose.
To further compound this idea - a program like DAW network (digital audio workstation) or even Cisco operating systems would be used initially and in conjunction with this voice sample/modulation to fine tune attacks more suited to a target. Making the attacks more personalized.
By the way, this is all military folks - every last bit of it. And this is also the design of future warfare. Now that I understand this - I realize we targets are the reluctant guinea pigs who have been chosen to suffer through needed testing for the future. They need subjects - and someone pissed off enough - has simply turned us in and we got placed on a list and the rest is history.
How does AI figure into all of this?
I believe that AI intelligent control of directed energy, might possibly be incorporated into directed energy attacks...the AI would provide everything there is about a person organically into a weapon's design...like - a target's voice, their sweat, temperature variations in the target's body, breathing - either fast breathing or slow breathing or a breathing norm; body movement and motion, mannerisms - facial movements and recognition and more...this would somehow allow a device to follow a person like a heat seeking missile.
This would in essence be the sole purpose of the A.I. in organized stalking - finding you or me and sticking with us. And inevitably hurting us, physically breaking us down and even causing us to fail.
But getting back to my experience. Lately, I started to notice lots of new things that are going on next door. Did I say next door? What I meant to say was all houses surrounding me. I have also begun to notice that after a gang stalker gets away with unspeakable and inhumane acts for so long...and he doesn't get caught or punished....well, he or she gets cocky and lazy in hiding the indiscretion and crime. It is mostly men who perform the electronic harassment and torment in gang stalking.
Anyway, when a person gets away with evil long enough...he has, in fact - gained a sense of power in his unacceptable and hidden torture of a person. Add to the fact that his avoidance of the law and the ability to get away with wrongdoing - seem to feed his need for recognition and self-importance and what we end up with...is a monster who has lost his soul. Eventually, the stalker - cannot stop what he is doing and doesn't really care who sees it after a while.
Now, here is where I get a little more into the A.I. awareness in this whole thing.
Over a period of roughly 6 years, I began to notice a change in frequency when new devices and updated technology came about in my attacks. I could actually hear the accompanying frequency sitting close to my head. I always heard frequency...but this change in frequency was like the energy was intelligent. Like it was hovering and waiting for me to do something. You know, like move? I can't really explain this - it was just an awareness of something that was almost on top of me in feel. Like it was physically there and waiting.
The pulsing ring - or frequency, which was now different than it had ever been before - was almost inaudible - but at the same time, quite intense... And it only seemed to move - like when I took a breath, like when I coughed, or like when I sneezed or sweated. The more I breathed - the more active the energy got.
The movement in energy all seemed to be tied into my actions or motion and it only moved when I did. If my leg became uncovered and the blanket moved on top of me - the energy seemed to sense my skin somehow. And I got popped with more electromagnetic energy. All quite remarkable abilities of directed energy.
I had never encountered anything like this in my entire life. But really, I don't think anyone has for that matter.
And if that didn't scare the hell out of me for a second or two...well, I don't know what to tell you. Like I said, the device seemed to be stalking me - like the human gang stalker had been doing all along and it was just waiting for me to try and nod off and enter into a deep state of sleep.
One more thought - if energy can indeed be weaponized or robotized - and given a mind or mindset and programmed using a person's voice - well, then, I believe, anything is possible. I also believe that advances in technology and science are so far past anything we could imagine now.
Let's think of it this way, if some part of organic matter or human thought or inflection (that would be us) could be incorporated into a machine level knowledge or ability - the created device would be part of what we are in form. A.I. and human blended. It would have attributes of who we are. Or rather - we would be a part of the machine or device's inner workings.
And in that respect - the energy would want to stay close to you or me. Sort of like a mini-me of the mind with heat seeking capability.
Getting back to the newer devices. If I did nod off with this system - I got demodulation immediately- that's a given and I don't mean in the head like before. Like in earlier days. The demodulation with this newer intelligent design - actually connected to a lull or pre-sleep state in the brain as I was entering sleep.
The energy - highly electrical in nature - shot through my entire head with a jolt - front to back or left to right or both, and it went through my chest wall and carried up into my lower jaw and mouth. It even went through the front of my face and mouth. It did something different each time it moved or I moved. Like I was being struck by lightening.
There is a part of me that at first, felt alarmed by what this felt like. However, I am able to rationalize everything. And so, the other part of me -the practical side, decided to pay attention to direction and origin of this incoming energy. We cannot, after all, fight a battle if we don't know where something is coming from.
So, after I got a taste of this energy...I got online right away the next day.. and I found the following article and I felt that if this is true, then we, as targets have a lot on our plate now.
Keep in mind, regardless to what the following states - we need to continue to build barriers or blocks for our walls in our home - Never quit fighting for your life.
Remember the blocks have to be layered, and continuous, all seams and openings taped closed with copper conductive tape, lots of sheet metals and magnets and copper line for grounding. And lots of grounding.
I know this sounds like a lot to do. And it feels like something that might make you want to give up. But, try to slow down and take things, one at a time. We do, after all, have time on our side. Everything changes with time.
And I realize that the stronger this new energy gets - and the higher the intelligence it presents...the more we need to use our own mind to combat the same. And we must be stronger in our commitment to find a way around it and in helping others.
So, without further delay - here is the article.
Autonomous Wars and Weaponized AI
AI has dual natures, which means that the software designed to make our lives more comfortable can also be employed to harm us. This dual nature dilemma of AI is raising serious concerns especially when it is used in military applications.
Kanwal Suhaib
24 Apr 2021 • 11 min read
Autonomous Wars and Weaponized AI
In the past few decades, there have been extensive developments in the field of artificial intelligence. It is continuously revolutionizing the way we live. We just love how we can unlock our phones with our faces and that Amazon can predict what we need. From a smart vacuum that can become skilled at floor plans to “Killer Robots” that can revolutionize the combat zone, AI has potential applications both ordinary and extraordinary. While AI applications in healthcare, education, logistics, and agriculture promote human development, its military applications can increase the lethality of the war.
Dual Nature of AI Technology
AI has dual natures which means that the software designed to make our lives more comfortable can also be employed to harm us. For instance, the same algorithm deployed to find out a junk e-mail to be sent into our spam folder can also be used in malware applications. The feature that allows us to unlock our phones with our faces is also being tested on rifles where object-oriented software is used to identify targets. Similarly, the same weapons used in the warfare to precise the target and save lives could also kill the humans making life-and-death decisions on their own. This dual nature dilemma of AI is raising serious concerns especially when it is used in military applications.
Weaponized AI
AI is undoubtedly making our lives easier; however, the same technology is being rapidly weaponized. AI weaponization means using AI to deliberately inflict harm on human beings by integrating it into the systems and tools of national Militaries. Apart from the past revolutionary technologies, weaponized AI is believed to disturb international security and peace.
The US Department of Defense (DoD) calls weaponized AI “Algorithmic warfare” and the real objective of establishing JEDI (Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure: the US Department of Defense) was to weaponize AI. Pentagon launched a project “Maven” in April 2017. Maven was considered the military’s first endeavor to employ AI in warfare and was aimed at improving the precision of existing weapons like drones by incorporating AI.
Vadim Kozyulin in his paper published in 2019, explains that commercial companies like IBM, Amazon, and Microsoft have created most AI tools and presented them to the military. He further remarks that the Russian Ministry of Defense is fascinated by Combat Robots. Combat Robots are multi-functional machines and have sensors to get information, a control system, and actuation devices. They possess human-like behavior that can execute a combat mission like humans. Hence, weaponized AI is leading us towards autonomous wars where Lethal Autonomous Weapons System (LAWS) would be the soldiers.
Lethal Autonomous Weapon System (LAWS)
AI is emerging at a rapid pace in the Military sector where it is being used to develop and deploy fully autonomous weapons systems. Such autonomous weapons, once activated can locate, identify, attack, and kill human targets on their own without any human control.
These weapon systems are called “Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems” (LAWS) or “Autonomous Weapons Systems” (AWS) that include both lethal and less-lethal systems and could alter the entire nature of the war.
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems are progressing from imaginary sci-fi movies like Terminator to the a combat zone reality. These autonomous weapons have stimulated a debate among military planners, and ethicists about the production and deployment of weapons that can perform progressively more advanced functions, including targeting and killing, with little or no human supervision.
Autonomous and Semi-autonomous Systems at Present
Loitering Munition (also called a suicide drone) was designed in the 1980s to fly autonomously for a short time. While flying, first it looks for some particular signals and then identifies an enemy target. After identification, it crashes into the target, carrying an explosive payload. A Loitering Munition named Harpy is produced by Israel. Harpy is an unmanned aerial vehicle with a 500km range and is programmed to locate and smash the enemy’s radar stations. In the 1990s, Israel sold some 100 Harpys to China for about $55-70 million which became a turning point in US-Israeli relations.
In Slovakia and the US, some companies have also produced loitering munitions. South Korea uses a sentry gun named SGR-A1 that is capable of autonomous firing. Hobbyist drones can take off, land, chase moving objects and avoid hindrances on the way by themselves.
THeMIS (Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System) is a robot developed by an Estonia-based company named Milrem Robotics. THeMIS contains a mobile body fixed on tank treads. There is also a remote-weapon tower equipped with machine guns on the top. This robot also carries cameras and software to track the targets. This target-tracking software is programmed to enable the tower to chase people or objects. THeMIS is a human-controlled system by far and Milrem ensures that it will remain that way.
There is a program by DARPA called CODE for designing complicated software. This software allows a set of drones to perform the task in close collaboration. According to Paul Scharray, the intention behind CODE is not to design an autonomous weapon, rather adapt to a world where teams of robots would be operating collaboratively under the supervisory control of a human being. The manager of the CODE program has correlated it to wolves hunting in synchronized packs.
Some countries like the United States and Russia are manufacturing robotic tanks that would be either remote-controlled or operate autonomously. The US already has launched an autonomous warship in 2016. This warship, though still in development, is likely to have offensive aptitude including anti-submarine weaponry.
These AI-enabled weapons were originally developed to curtail the threat to human beings in military conflicts; however, if become fully autonomous, they can cause mass destruction in autonomous wars. The advancement from semi-autonomous weapons to fully autonomous weapons systems is taking place rapidly however it is quite unclear when the researchers would be able to produce a fully lethal autonomous weapon. The Taranis Drone, in the UK, is an autonomous warfare aerial vehicle that is likely to be fully operational by 2030. This drone is believed to be capable enough to replace Tornado GR4 fighter planes.
China has already Weaponized AI- a wake-up call for the world.
The government of China is employing AI to victimize its Muslim minority called Uighur. The government is using AI-enabled facial recognition systems to observe and target the members of ill-treated Uighur. This persecution by the Chinese government is posing an “unprecedented danger” to its civilians and all open societies.
Human Rights Watch issued a report in 2019 named “China’s Algorithms of Oppression.” In this report, the Human Rights Watch presented further evidence regarding the use of new technologies by Beijing to restrain the rights of the Uighur. According to the report, since late 2016, the government of China had victimized around 13 million ethnic Uighur in Xinjiang.
Risks of Weaponizing AI or Fully Autonomous Weapons.
As autonomous weapons systems are moving from imagination to reality, military planners and ethicists debate about the risks and morality of their use in the present and future operating environments. Hence weaponized AI and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) are grabbing great attention because such systems raise security, legal and ethical questions. Some of the potential risks associated with integrating AI into national militaries are as follows:
Autonomous weapons will generate an accountability gap because it might be quite hard to hold someone responsible for unexpected damage caused by an autonomous weapon. These weapons would also be susceptible to perform cyber crime like hacking and spoofing and would be a threat to global security.
Assigning the decisions of life-and-death to autonomous weapons crosses an ethical red line. Therefore, these autonomous weapons will also have to face a noteworthy challenge complying with human rights law.
AWS threatens the following human rights mentioned in ICCPR:
The right to life mentioned in article 6
The right to privacy mentioned in article 17
The right to non-discrimination mentioned in article 26.
Under IHRL, the use of a force that is potentially lethal is lawful just in case if it meets the following criteria:
It must have an adequate legal basis in compliance with international standards.
It must protect human life.
It must constitute a last alternative.
It must be applied in a way proportional to the threats.
In case this lethal force is used, the law enforcement officers must be held answerable for the losses.
Apart from the above risks, the most serious concern is that by Weaponizing AI, we are developing weapons of mass destruction that can kill a large number of humans just like a nuclear weapon but these can be built with more ease, and are much cheaper and scalable.
The plethora of problems resulting from AI weaponization and autonomous weapons demands immediate action. Many states suggest a wait-and-see approach based on non-clarity about what AI would be able to achieve. However, the high stakes raise the need for the precautionary approach. Whatever the approach is, weaponized AI is ultimately leading us towards Autonomous Wars that are a big threat to humanity. So, whether we like it or not, we must admit this fact that we have stepped into the era of algorithms and just like any other sector, AI is changing our place in the war zone as well by its use in military applications.
Autonomous War
With every passing day, the weapons of war are becoming smarter and data-enabled. From early machine guns (with automated firing and reloading) to drone swarms, autonomous tanks, and sentry guns, the future of warfare is gradually reaching our doorsteps.
These low-profile machines that are by far preprogrammed by GPS routes are the beginning of autonomous wars.
The recent advancements in robotics, machine image recognition, and artificial intelligence are leading us to a future when there would be autonomous wars where autonomous weapon systems or killer robots would identify and shoot anyone in the war zone without any human command.
Many countries like the United States, Russia, and China are extensively working to join up the weapons with sensors and targeting computers to make them autonomous. Israel and Britain are among those countries that are already employing weapons containing autonomous features such as missiles and drones. These autonomous weapons can find and attack the enemy’s ship, radar, or vehicle on their own without any human intervention or command.
Fortunately, fully autonomous weapons, fighting on the battlefield without any preprogrammed human instructions, don’t exist at present; however, such autonomous wars are projected to be the biggest threat to humanity.
Paul Scharray, in his book “Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War,” states that the autonomous warfare future has not reached us overnight; rather we are reaping the result of decades of military development.
A bunch of people, however, assume that the same technology that will assist autonomous cars to stay away from pedestrians could be employed in making autonomous weapons. They further believe that such autonomous weapons used in autonomous wars would be able to target certain civilians or to avoid them intentionally. Unfortunately, they have perceived it wrong as that would not be the scenario in projected autonomous wars.
To understand LAWS and the concept of autonomous wars, let’s go back to the Gatling gun invented in 1861. Richard Gatling, looking at all the horrors resulting from a civil war desired to find an autonomous weapon to fight on the battlefield. His objective was to make war more humane and decrease the number of soldiers required on the battlefield.
One hundred soldiers required to fire on the battlefield could be replaced by just four people needed to operate the Richard Gatling gun; hence very few people would be needed. It was a pioneer to the machine gun and the intention behind was to save lives. The reality was quite different. Gatling’s gun had the reverse impact of what was intended and it intensified the devastation and killing on the battlefield. Gatling was wrong as autonomous weapons caused massive destruction and could not save lives. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General has called the autonomous weapons to be used in autonomous wars “morally repugnant” and pushed the AI experts to ban them.
A Legal and Moral Imperative to Ban Autonomous Weapons/Killer Robots
Keeping in view the high risks posed to human rights, in addition to the moral, ethical, and security threats entailed by AWS, Amnesty International has prohibited developing, producing, and using AWS and is trying to ensure that a significant human control is maintained over the use of force. Many states including, Mexico, Brazil, and Austria have emphasized the significance of maintaining human control over weapons. Most of the states have supported the development of new international laws on AWS.
Looking forward to the dystopian future by Autonomous weapons, the United Nations conferred the possibility to introduce a ban on Killer Robots on the International level in 2013. The debate involved more than 100 leaders from the community of AI, including Elon Musk from Tesla and Mustafa Suleyman from Alphabet. These leaders signed an open letter arguing that to build lethal autonomous weapons or killer robots means opening a Pandora’s Box that could alter the nature of war forever. They also warned that these autonomous weapons could lead to the “third revolution in warfare” following gunpowder and nuclear arms.
Jody Williams who worked on banning landmines and won a Nobel Peace Prize had warm participation in the movement of stopping killer robots. The objective of this campaign was to ban lethal autonomous weapons. The members of this campaign included activists, civil society organizations, well-known scientists like Noam Chomsky, and over 450 AI researchers.
Positively, the employees of the tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon have challenged their employers and raised ethical concerns regarding the use of AI for military purposes. In 2018, more than 170 tech companies including Google DeepMind and XPRIZE Foundation, and more than 2400 AI and robotic researchers, academics, and engineers endorsed a Lethal Autonomous Weapons Pledge. In this pledge, it was committed that they would not participate or support in the production or use of autonomous weapons.
Almost 29 states from the global south have strongly supported banning such autonomous weapons as they are frightened that these lethal weapons are most likely to be used against them. On 12 Sep 2018, 82% of the European Parliament passed a resolution to support an international ban on AWS to have significant human control over the dangerous functions of weapons.
The overwhelming concern of the states and groups who are raising campaigns to ban autonomous weapons or stop killer robots is that if machines become entirely autonomous, humans will not have any control over the killing decision. It will bring about a moral dilemma.
And what would happen if some evil regime employed lethal autonomous systems on their own nation?
Moreover, fully autonomous weapons are at present the most distressing but still blooming military technology. Such fully autonomous weapons must be closely observed under the Martens Clause, by the experts, the general public, and the states.
Martens Clause is an exclusive provision of IHL (International Humanitarian Law) that ascertains a model of protection for both the combatants and the civilians when a particular agreement or law on a topic does not exist. According to Martens Clause, when there is not any international agreement or law on some topic, the combatants and civilians must be protected based on the established custom of the region, and the humanitarian principles. Hence, this law applies to entirely autonomous weapons because of the lack of any international law regarding their use. Martens Clause also provides main aspects or moral standards to the states to consider while evaluating rising weapons technology including autonomous weapons.
AI is undeniably the future of warfare, and weaponization of AI is the name of the new game. This game includes the development and deployment of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS).
At present, many weapon systems with different levels of human intervention are in use already. However, advancement in AI is swiftly leading to Autonomous wars where AI-enabled weapons will be independently fighting with each other without any human involvement. However, the question arises about the circumstances when the militaries should delegate the decision of taking a human life to a machine? This question has extended serious concerns regarding the nature of warfare. Therefore, the human rights organizations, the militaries, the research analysts, ethicists, and defense officials have not reached a consensus so far as it’s a giant moral leap.
Though AI has not yet produced the Terminator sort of killer robots but it has already begun changing the nature of warfare. According to Vladimir Putin, it would not be wrong to say that the war has already progressed from “informatization” to “intelligentization” and whoever wins the leadership in this field will rule the world.
To cut a long story short, “the AI genie is out of the bottle now” as remarked by Mr. Wilby. The ways to weaponize AI are less cinematic but equally scary. As weaponized AI has started impacting our world, there is a strong need to find the best ways to control it properly so that the anticipated autonomous wars are avoided. Furthermore, if the terrorist organizations start using AI with evil intentions, most probably our best defense should be an AI offense.