The Road To Character Assassination through Manipulated Imagery
The information I am now sharing came out in 2020. Although technology to manipulate photos has been around for a lot longer.
The accelerated level of perfecting Artificial Intelligence in recent years, and the ability to use enhanced and fake picture technology to destroy people and to also plant a seed of doubt about that person...has grown exponentially.
Let me provide you with an example of how this could happen to any of us.
One of the big issues today - right now - at this exact moment - is our lack of privacy - in particular - due to facial recognition.
If we are on social media, there is no doubt that each of us has literally 100s of selfies which we have posted in an online feed...over many years...for the world to heart, hate, and to make comments on.
As it turns out, humans crave the attention of "what others think of them" through social media and this validation and/or approval of self...leads to ego stroking...which in turn, placates the hungering soul in a world of desperation and lost recognition.
Also, as it turns out, this need to be validated by complete strangers appears to the most important thing in our lives today...when it comes to knowing who we are and what we mean to others.
I guess this is all well and fine to a point...or is it?
Let's say that our happy or provocative picture, posted on Instagram, is just sitting there on the site we created - for the whole world to see.
All of our pictures on these social media sites sit in a vulnerable place - for picture snatching and technology. And let's say in this instance the photo and image fall into the wrong hands. How would any of us even know?
In truth - we have so many pictures posted, we sort of lose track of them.
And because we aren't noticing activity - that is...unless it is a thumbs up or a heart or some special words to build our egos - our photo was copied or downloaded by a cyber criminal...and then someone with the AI Deepfake capability, perhaps, is now in the process of working on a defamatory use for the photo.
It is needless to say that because of all our vanity and all of this self-posting - we have unwittingly given all the cyber-criminals out there, an unlimited use of... "our face" to put on something else not necessarily associated with us.
Deepfakes are a form of artificial intelligence in their compilation of doctored images and sounds that are put together with machine-learning algorithms.
Deepfake technology can make it extremely hard to determine whether the news we are watching...or a photo we are seeing and hearing on the internet is, in fact, real.
Still, even if a picture of a person is a Deepfake and in that photo, that person is shown doing something they shouldn't be doing...as it turns out, in the time it would take for experts to study the image and perform tests of authenticity...a lot can happen to the victim of this Deepfake defamation photography to destroy his or her life.
So, just what is the purpose of a Deepfake?
This evolving form of artificial intelligence via Deepfake is adept at making certain media appear to be real, when in fact, the images are forged photography, video and audio that are designed to fool people.
A surge in what’s known as fake news has shown how deepfakes oftentimes trick audiences into believing made-up stories.
Deepfakes seek to deceive viewers with manipulated, false or fake content. Its creators want us to believe something was said or happened that never even occurred.
Now, as we know, common sense would tell us that knowing this should be obvious...however, humans are extremely susceptible and gullible and they pretty much believe anything that is put in front of them. And they don't ask questions.
By the way, isn't it true that "pictures don't lie?"
We can now ask, "or do they?"
Let's focus now on what the purpose would be...in this type of Deepfake deception.
As it turns out, Deepfake designers are using this type of fake media for malicious purposes, like spreading misinformation and stealing identities.
So, let's focus on the targeted individual. The victim in Gang stalking. What is the significance of Deepfake for the targeted individual?
For one, if we are being gang stalked - the ability of organized stalking in using Deepfake technology is extremely high...since the overall goal of said stalking is to ruin the reputation and destroy the life of a target.
Would the stalking world do such a thing?
You bet they would! This technology would allow Gang Stalkers to destroy us much more efficiently in much less time.
Still, there is a possibility that the reason it may not be being used much at this point, is because it is a traceable action. Organized stalking is all about deniability or about being untraceable or invisible.
And Deepfake does seem to leave a user trail.
There is a part of me, however, that thinks if organized stalking can, in fact, plant a fake picture of us and we cannot prove innocence to what is shown...it could possibly get us fired from a job...cause an unrepairable marital rift, make people hate us though we are innocent...and it could cause a target to get arrested and go to jail or prison.
Here are some ways that Deepfake technology is a big problem:
Phishing and other scams
Celebrity pornography
And other pornography
Reputation smearing
Election manipulation
Social engineering
Automated disinformation attacks
Identity theft
Financial fraud
The situations listed above in red also show the possible risks for a targeted individual during the stalking phase and gaslighting phase, in the defamation of character via gang stalking.
Among the possible risks, Deepfakes can threaten cybersecurity, political elections, individual and corporate finances, reputations, and more.
This misuse can play out in scams against individuals and companies, including on social media.
So, why share this with you?
Well, for one, I believe if we are being targeted, anything is possible as a threat. Including Deepfake. In order to survive the stalking - we need to be aware of what is out there. And what it means to our personal lives.
Now, I want you to take a moment and put yourself in the Gang Stalker's shoes - think about what they would do next...and then find a way to block this out. Blocking also means protecting our image and identity on social media.
Finally, if we truly understand or believe that an organization via its stalkers can destroy us or try to anyway, then it will hold true that with the use of computer apps, wireless and cyber world mechanisms and technology...a person might more thoroughly find a way of destroying a target's life.
So, what can we do?
I believe we need to get off social media sites.
I realize most of us really don't want to do this.
So, if you can't do this...post, instead, non-personal matter...like a dog or a cat or a flowering tree. Like a beautiful building. No identifiable physical human characteristics, traits or markers.
And try to steer clear of selfies...I know...I know...that means you are having to change your life to something else. And won't people will forget you when they don't see you so much?
There is another side to this and one I am quite aware of. I believe that even without using your online feed in finding a desired photo of you...there is the possibility that a criminal with Deepfake technology can simply take a picture of you when you are out and about and do the exact same thing.
This means you could be out walking and someone snaps your picture
Experts with this AI technology...can take someone's head (again your face from Social Media or a camera) and using AI, can place that head on a body of a person breaking into a building.
The manipulation of the photo can take that same image of the face and put it on the body of a person who is homeless or doing drugs.
Or they can place that face on the body of a person in the middle of a physical altercation. Or they can create pornography with that same face in mind.
You do realize that I can't be the one that tells you how to live your life? That is not my place. I can't say stop posting pictures and expect you to stop posting them. But I will say this...vanity and the need for so many selfies is ruining society.
Here are the facts, there has never before in history, been a time where people smiled all the time or shoved a captured image of their pleasant face in front of the world on a daily basis. Today, the sheer number of selfies is unprecedented.
I believe that it is this continued need for self-importance, self glorification on social media feeds that is driving the heart and soul of modern man. It is also what is making us into targets.
We simply put our face out there...without thought to the possibilities...without thought to where that face will end up.
By the way, the world just doesn't need that many selfies.
DEEPFAKE Technology-
The Road to Ruining a Target's Life
DEEPFAKE Technology-
The Road to Ruining a Target's Life